A Hard Day's Night

It's been a tough day or so.


All kinds of stresses going on right now that are getting on top of me.

Car. Relationships. Health. Work. An anniversary of horribleness/a particularly awful time in my life. Great big combo all at once.

Didn't sleep well last night (due to the above) but then had to start my longest work shift at a new job as of yet and be there for 7:30am. It was actually quite quiet and went fast.  I actually enjoyed it apart from the last couple of hours when I was suddenly under a lot of stress and facing drama and unexpected and confrontational behaviour that I wasn't expecting that completely ruined my mood for the rest of the shift.

On top of that I had further confrontation at my door regards an unreasonable attitude from someone this evening adding to more stress. 

I just keep crying it out. 


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